A closer look at Let, Var and Const in Javascript

A closer look at Let, Var and Const in Javascript

In recent years, the release of ES6 (ECMAScript 6) has changed the way we write JavaScript code, introducing three new keywords: let, var, and const. These new keywords allow us to declare variables more efficiently, and it can be confusing to understand the differences between them.

In this article, we'll explore the differences between let, var, and const in detail, with examples to help you get a better understanding of each.

Let :

Let is the newest of the three keywords, and is the preferred way to declare variables in modern JavaScript code. Let is a block-scoped variable, which means that it is only available within the block in which it is declared. This is different from var, which is function-scoped and can be accessed outside of the block in which it is declared.

For example, let can be used to declare a variable within a for loop:

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)

{ console.log(i); }

// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

console.log(i); // ReferenceError: i is not defined In this example,


Var is the traditional way of declaring variables in JavaScript. Unlike let, var is a function-scoped variable, which means that it can be accessed outside of the block in which it is declared. For example, var can be used to declare a variable outside of a for loop:

var x = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)

{ console.log(i); }

// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

console.log(x); // 0 In this example,

the variable i is declared using the var keyword and can be accessed outside of the for loop.


Const is another way of declaring variables in JavaScript. Unlike let and var, const is a block-scoped variable, which means that it is only available within the block in which it is declared. Additionally, const variables must be assigned a value when they are declared, and cannot be reassigned afterwards. For example, const can be used to declare a constant within a for loop:

for (const i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

console.log(i); // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable


In this example, the variable i is declared using the const keyword, and cannot be reassigned outside of the for-loop.

Let: Let is a keyword used in modern JavaScript to declare a variable. It is a new keyword in ES6 and was introduced to replace the var keyword. Let is more powerful than var and can be used in block scope.


• Let is block scoped, which means variables declared with let have their scope limited to the code block they are declared in. This prevents variables from being accessed outside of their scope.

• Let allows for better code readability as it is declared in the same scope as the code it is being used in.


• Let is not hoisted, which means it cannot be accessed before it is declared. • Let variables cannot be re-declared, unlike var.

Var: Var is a keyword used in modern JavaScript to declare a variable. It was introduced in the original version of the language and is still widely used today. Var is not as powerful as let and does not offer the same level of scope control.


• Var is globally scoped, which means variables declared with var have their scope set to the entire program.

• Var is hoisted, which means it can be accessed before it is declared.

Const: Const is a keyword used in modern JavaScript to declare a constant variable. It is a new keyword in ES6 and was introduced to replace both the var and let keywords. Const is more powerful than both var and let as it does not allow the value of the constant to be changed.


• Const is block scoped, which means variables declared with const have their scope limited to the code block they are declared in. This prevents variables from being accessed outside of their scope.

• Const does not allow the value of the constant to be changed. This helps to ensure the value of the constant is always the same.


• Const is not hoisted, which means it cannot be accessed before it is declared.

• Const variables cannot be re-declared, unlike var or let.

Which one to use and why?

  • Use const by default: If you know the variable won't be reassigned, prefer const. This helps prevent accidental reassignments and makes the code more readable.

  • Use let when the variable needs to be reassigned: If you know the variable will be updated or reassigned, use let. This provides a signal to other developers that the variable's value might change.

Avoid using var in modern JavaScript development because let and const offer better scoping and prevent potential issues related to hoisting and unintended redeclaration or reassignment.

In summary, prefer const by default for variables that won't be reassigned, and use let when reassignment is necessary. This approach leads to more predictable and maintainable code.